Herd Share Purchase Details

Receiving raw, unpasteurized living milk as a herd share owner requires the following three steps:

1.) Purchase the number of ownership shares you wish to own from below and select your pickup location (ZOE Farms, Fairlawn, Lakewood, Northfield etc) This is a one-time purchase, not a recurring payment. You now own a percentage of the herd just like you would own a percentage of a company from buying a stock share of it.

2.) Sign a bill of sale agreement and agistment (boarding) agreement. An electronic file will be sent to you for digital signing after we receive your share purchase confirmation

3.) For new shares, we will add the correct number of boarding fees for the number of shares you purchase. Boarding fees are paid monthly.

FOR EXAMPLE: Let's say I want a half gallon of milk each week. This means I purchase one "New Ownership Share". I sign my documents, I have paid for my "June Boarding Fee". When July comes, I have to pay for my "July Boarding Fee" and so on. If I want one gallon per week, I buy two shares and pay two boarding fees.

Monthly boarding fees are not automatically charged. You must login to your account each month to renew your boarding fees payment.

To Purchase grass-fed/finished beef, pasture-raised free-range chicken and more, Visit Zoe Farms. The Keim Herd Share and ZOE Farms use the same pickup points, so you can integrate your food purchases with your milk pickups.